Are we done yet?

You know that feeling when you just don’t want to be the responsible adult any more? Sometimes I get that feeling. This week it built up to a point where I just didn’t want to ‘adult’. Things have changed significantly over the past twelve months. I’m now single, I have a new house and a new job.

Continue reading “Are we done yet?”

Sunday Mornings

It’s been so long since I’ve written here and so many things have happened in the past twelve months. Many moments have passed by but the little things still stand out.
How she’s grown & now loves the same things as her brother & sisters. Minecraft.
The way she giggles.
How her fringe falls in her face.
Her long lashes attached to those big brown eyes.
Her love of Skye from Paw Patrol and Grover.
The way she jumps on me every morning & gives me the biggest hug followed by “I love you mum”
in the most matter-of-fact way.

Sundaymorning-1-3 Sundaymorning-1Sundaymorning-1-2

Love her.

Week 14 | The 52 Project

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

Lucas: I remember a time when Elsie was so tiny she would fit into your arms… just like when you were little & you would fit into mine.

Soph:  Rugging up as the days get cooler.

Evie: Holding dad’s hand on our bush walk so you don’t trip.

Charli: You went searching for easter eggs & found this little guy. Sophia would have screamed the house down. You were calm but cautious.

The 52 Project is inspired by Jodi at Practising Simplicity.



Week 11 | The 52 Project

11-52-15-Lucas-111-52-15-Soph-111-52-15-Evie-111-52-15-Charli-1“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

Lucas: Practising for the outdoor soccer season which starts at the end of the month. You are looking forward to it. I love to see your confidence growing.

Soph: First time ice-skating. A few tears, bumps and bruises but you were smiling by the time we left.

Evie: A blessing and a curse. So often you get complimented for your amazing curls but they are a challenge to manage day in & day out.

Charli: I wonder if you’ll be a florist when you grow up? Always amongst the flowers!

The 52 Project is inspired by Jodi at Practising Simplicity.



Week 9 | The 52 Project

9-52-Lucas-1 9-52-Soph-1 9-52-Evie-1 9-52-Charli-1“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

Lucas: You have known these two girls longer than you have known your sisters. They’re like family. There was a time when our families would see each other regularly. Now, even though we see each other a little less, nothing has changed. You & these girls are best friends. I love that you pick up where you left – just like all good friends can.

Soph: You are growing up so quickly. Every day I get a glimpse of the woman you will become.

Evie:  This week you’re saving up for a Smiggle drink bottle. You’ve washed up a few times, counted your coins & asked me a billion times how much they are. Only $1.90 to go. You even asked for money to model for me!

Charli:  At the end of the day, as the light begins to fade, you are doing what you love best – twirling in the one dress that has the best skirt – in thongs!


The 52 Project is inspired by Jodi at Practising Simplicity.



Week 8 | The 52 Project

8-52-15-Lucas-1 8-52-15-Soph-1 8-52-15-Evie-1-2 8-52-15-Charli-1“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

Lucas: This week you had your first ukulele lesson. So did I. And that evening the two of us sat in my room for two hours playing & experimenting & sharing something together. It was special.

Soph: This weekend you have rediscovered your Lego Friends. You’ve spent the whole weekend making things that were not ‘off the plan’ – the way it should be.

Evie:  Dad made you pancakes as he does almost every weekend. Only trouble was, he made so many they kept tumbling over!

Charli:  It’s the end of your first three weeks at school & this week you were indoctrinated into the world of homework. You were adamant that it needed to be done all in the one night, but your big brothers and sisters reassured you that you could send it back in on Friday!


The 52 Project is inspired by Jodi at Practising Simplicity.



Week 6 | The 52 Project

02Feb14-1stDayKindy-8 02Feb14-1stDayKindy 02Feb14-1stDayKindy-3 02Feb14-1stDayKindy-6 02Feb14-1stDayKindy-11“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

So my portraits are a little different this week. It was such a momentous occasion that I just had to include all of these. You, my little baby, started Kindergarten surrounded by the love and support of your big brother and sisters.

Lucas: You watched our for her. You walked her down to her classroom every morning after that first day, helped her to put her bag in the correct spot & walked her to her lines. You felt ‘sad’ you told me when she grabbed onto your leg and cried when you had to go, just like she does when I have to leave her. You are a wonderful big brother & I love you for this more than you will ever know.

Soph: You organised her in the morning and fussed over her like a mother-hen. You used your excited voice to ask her about her day when she got home, just as I did.

Evie:  Your beaming smile filled her with confidence. She knew that you guys would be there for her (even though you were worried about being late to your own lines because Charli was so reluctant to go inside the gate every day).

Charli:  My baby girl. So grown up. All ready for big school. Your bag looked like it was so enormous on those tiny shoulders (even though it’s the same size as everyone else’s!). You will love school… but I will miss you… maybe I will even miss your dying cockroach tantrums during the day… (but maybe I’ll just get them late afternoon instead!).

The 52 Project is inspired by Jodi at Practising Simplicity.



Week 5 | The 52 Project

5-52-15-Lucas 5-52-15-Soph-25-52-15-Evie5-52-15-Charli“A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2015.”

Lucas: Being very patient with me as I tested out my new Lensbaby lens while we were camping on Australia Day. It creates lots of blur.

Soph: We picked up your new glasses this week and you all started school. You were very happy to be able to see the whiteboard!

Evie:  School time. First day back.

Charli:  Our last day together before you started Kindy. We went to a cafe for morning tea & snuggled at the movies watching and giggling at Paddington Bear.



Week 4 | The 52 Project

4-52-15-LucasRoxy-54-52-15-GirlsFeet2-2 “A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas:  Even though they drive you a little crazy sometimes, you love your sisters. I think you will appreciate them even more as you grow into a man. You are so caring and protective of them. I love that.

Soph:  Sometimes I forget you are only 9. You are very strong willed and independent – traits that will be fabulous when you’re older. Right now though, I’m reminded every now and again that you’re still vulnerable. Roxy (your teddy) comes everywhere with us. I love that.

Evie:  You told all your family you were saving for an iPad Mini. You spent your Christmas and Birthday money all in one hit – and you’re hooked. But you’re happy to share. I love that.

Charli:  You start big school in just over a week. You’re so ready. But you still carry your ‘wrappy’ wherever we go. You still run to me to give me hugs and you still have tiny feet – the tiniest in our family… I love that.

The 52 Project is promoted by Jodi of Practising Simplicity. Such a personally rewarding way to journal my kids year ahead.


Week 3 | The 52 Project

3-52-15-Lucas girls-2 3-52-15-Evie 3-52-15-Charli“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: A good shot like your mum.

Soph: with your friends in the holidays.

Evie: Getting prepared.

Charli: Always laughing (when you’re not throwing tantrums!).

My 52 Project is inspired by Jodi from Practising Simplicity. Such a personally rewarding way to journal my kids year ahead.